Old Price List, Ask for current pricing.

(Wholesale Prices. Handling, delivery and installation are to be arranged separately)

See my main sculpture page.

See index page.

Work of Bo Atkinson

To build a symbol, hire a sculptor.

Note: These pages are placed in the The content on this website, http://harmoniouspalette.com, is placed in the public domain only as a free exchange of ideas and as a "hard studied wish to serve life". The author assumes no responsibility for the improper use of the concepts in these web pages. All relevant laws of life and local codes should be verified and observed before any building or experimentation proceeds. discussion is welcome, please write.  Bo Atkinson and are furnished "as is". The author assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the concepts in this series. All pertaining laws of life should be satisfied, in building or testing my concepts or descriptions, as are posted on my linked pages.